Pusat Pengembangan Karir Universitas Padjadjaran

Sistem Pengelolaan Pusat Karir & Alumni
Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

Wardah Campus Roadshow

Webinar | 06 Desember 2023 09:24 wib Wardah Campus Roadshow
Calling Out All UNPAD Student

Wardah Lightening Campus Roadshow is coming to UNPAD!

Get yourself ready to be inspired by Flawless & Fun Talkshow Session with
✨ Samanta Elsener (Psychologist)
✨ Ananza Prili (Digital Creator)
✨ Hanifah S.Psi, M.Psi (Psychology Lecturer)


We Also Open for Special Lightening Beauty Class with ✨ Fathi Nurmainah (Beauty Influencer)


So, mark your calendar on this date
???? December 7th, 2023
⏰ 10.00 - end
???? Fakultas Psikologi Gdg 2, UNPAD Jatinangor 

Let’s also explore your happiness in Lightening Amazing Race by experiencing Our Booth Games. Win vouchers and free products

So what are you waiting for?
Let’s come, join us, and win the prize(s)

For further information, follow our IG @wardahbeauty_bandung

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